





I have worked on websites built with Wordpress, Clover, & Squarespace. Squarespace is my jam, and have worked to find many work arounds utilizing CSS that expand it's functionality. I love clean and clear intentioned websites
that are geared toward the person whose never been to your
website or your church. A few Wordpress sites I've done have since been changed in my absence.
The two active sites I've created are below.


This one.

Kind of weird touting this site when you're here. Take a peek around.


PDX First

As part of a rebrand and revitalization I took it upon myself, with the help of the Children's Pastor to reframe and rebuild the website from scratch. The goal being a site that is aimed directly at the unchurched and new person visiting the site for the first time. The landing page give the guest the option to "Plan a Visit", an idea built to connect us with those who will be visiting for the first time so that we can give them the best experience possible. That includes a reserved parking spot, someone to greet them and help them navigate the campus, get the visitor's gift in their hands and show them to a reserved spot in the worship center.

Other additions were to simplify online giving, and highlight major ministries within the church. As the worship leader I also created a "backoffice" for the worship/production teams that included on-boarding material for new volunteers as well as helpful training videos and resources.

This church has since gone through a merger after Awnna and I left and the site is no longer active.