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"Leadership" - "You can't have the word leadership without the word ship" - If you get this quote then we're already friends.

Below I've listed some leadership principles that might help you get a better understanding of me as a leader. How I think, operate, and function as a leader is going to be instrumental in our success as we work together. I probably haven't covered everything but this should give you an idea of where I stand.

Creative Momentum

Above all I'm a creative person and flourish best when I'm encouraged to think outside the norm. I'll often be the one to push and bring something to the table that will cause us to stretch. I am energized by momentum and have been found to be frustrated when things become stagnant or rote. 


I'm super big in on collaboration. I love bouncing ideas off of each other and working for the best possible outcome and helping each other get to the finish line. That being said when set to a task, whether self generated or not, I will move forward with a laser-like focus until the task is complete. This is a strength and a detriment.

My Ideal Leader

I've found myself working for a number of narcissistic leaders, and it was not a great fit. I have also worked with a controlling leader who was so involved in everything I did that any form of personal creativity was lost. There was no autonomy and therefore no ownership of the work I was over. I have also worked with a leader whose trust in me gave immense freedom in my projects. Trust is vital in this relationship. If you trust that you've hired the best person for the job, then I promise to honor that trust by doing the very best I can possibly do.

Leadership Style

My leading style is about teaching and bringing along the worshiper. We all start someplace in our journey, and it's my responsibility to encourage and create a safe place where worshipers who are open to stepping into a time of worship in music move from where they're at. Even if that move is a spiritual mile or only a spiritual fraction, the goal is for movement and a softening of the heart to the purposes of God.


It's inevitable in any job that conflict may arise. So, how do I handle conflict? Most conflict comes from a lack of understanding where someone is coming from and why they sense an issue or problem with the current paradigm. My first goal is to have a meeting that involves a lot of listening. Most people just want to be heard and to know that you are actually listening and not just placating them. My goal is to help people understand and in turn understand, giving us a common ground for compromise.

Other questions?

Let's talk I'm open to answering any question or concern you might have.


INFUSE Worship Workshop

In 2018 a worship leader friend of mine, and I sat down with the intention of building a workshop geared towards onboarding and reinvigorating worship arts teams. From the musicians to sound technicians, from lighting and video to pre-service prayer and set-up crews, our goal was to include everyone. Taking ideas and inspirations from the churches we’d both served, we built INFUSE. INFUSE is a 3-week workshop meant to be held on Saturdays or Sundays after service for about an hour. As a team, we go over the technical details of how a church service is meant to run. The details and the things to prepare and pray for.

More importantly, though, we spend time learning about the “WHY” of our ministry. A “why” that circles back to the vision of the local church and the vision of the greater church. Each part of the ministry is given a voice and an opportunity to share ideas and to learn how to handle conflict as well as how to be a support and encouragement to other parts of the worship ministry.

INFUSE was built to be the ideal onboarding tool for incoming volunteers. We would suggest INFUSE is held quarterly at the church and during that time you invite people interested in being a part of the worship arts teams to come in and learn about the importance of the heart in ministry before standing behind a mixer or up on stage.

INFUSE is something I am proud of and something I’m incredibly passionate about. It’s something that I would work to bring to any ministry that I am a part of.